Saturday, March 15, 2025

Nov 28, 2009

Virtual World

orkut Pictures, Images and PhotosVirtual world..........

ek din aayaga , yeh insaan kho jayaga ...
pehchaan kho jayagi ,
imaan kho jayaga ,
jis ko dekhoga , wohi badla sa lagaga ,
jo chhahaga keh payaga ,
jisay chahaga woh keh payaga

this is the summary of virtual world.. we have started living in. hiding our identities .. partially or fully ;-)

yes people m talking about orkutting .. i was introduced to orkut by a friend .. it has really been an interesting journey into the virtual world.. u join up.. then u join up communities .. u listen to what people say .. u adhere to the rules of the communities .. u do what you wanna do.. u scrap .. u send messages .. u silently watch .. u bookmark .. u forget ;-)

campy , cheesy , sarcastic .. all types of humor are there ... some with their real identities some without .. people have been people .. no matter which country .. religion .. ethnicity .. they belong to.. all of them have Gangs of friends , celebrations of holi, proud of being the religion to which they belong , and desire to flirt ;-) the list is long and the fun is enormous ………….

Be it an European , an american , a desi , an asian J all have got the same behavioral patterns J
My idea of orkutting was to study the behavioral patterns of the people .. It interests me to understand the psychology of the social get togetherness .. People have as many as 300 members in their friends list .. And they have testimonials too.. Interesting enough to introduce to the world ..

I have followed few people , one of my friends , to whom I generally scrap .. And mind you if he is a regular orkutter , you can easily make out , what he is upto now socially , is he going out for a party , or he went to a business conference , or he is simply living his life .. All can be very roughly estimated with the patterns and the number of scraps you get ..

If you wanna know he is a fake .. Have a look at his communities .. They all will be catchy ones ..
There will be few responses but many scraps …. Like some one known as George Bush is on orkut … people like playing games , and especially identity games……..

Identity is one of the things that people are really wary of . Most of them like , love and adore some personality.. They end up writing about themselves :-) as if they have attained the personality .. Very few introductions you will find matching with the scraps and thus the behavioral patterns ..

But for those of them which match .. They match perfectly :-)

This world has given people an opportunity to project their original personality too .. Some are not so photogenic faces but very confident and that can be made out with the ambitious , candid , straiight forward introductions :-)

There is a huge variety of the people who are on orkut ..

Some have been pushed to ;-) some one told them to join they joined ..

Some are really into it :-) they will even die on orkut ..

Some have been frequent visitors ..

Some are there to only flirt and talk filth
They will scrap any good photograph that they pounce upon .. ;-) often not recognizing that she is some cine star ;-)

It seems to me a whole society in itself J in fact an extended one that comprises of the whole world :-)

I love to live in it , as I love to be here :-)

Happy orkutting , guys and gals :-)
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